Squares and Triangles
Friday 28 July, 2017
Squares and Triangles play songs which are based around group improvisations. Drawing from folk, jazz, pop, and experimental musics, the group develop elastic structures which allow for a wide range of possibilities and sounds. The group play guitars, banjo, wind instruments, organ, and percussion.
In 2007 the band formed at Andersabo when a group of London-based artists spent some time in the house and began playing music together. In the past 10 years, the band has developed music at Andersabo and recorded their 2015 LP Hg here.
For the concert in July 2017, Squares and Triangles were in residency at Andersabo for a week, where they developed new music, built instruments, and explored playing music both in the barn and out in the forest.
The residency was also used as research for a project called "Rudder", which uses video as a score for improvised music. Squares and Triangles went on to perform the piece twice in 2018, links to documentation of the work available below. "Rudder" is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.